Production of Roffesen 3D is located in Surany, Slovakia. This factory has many years of extrusion experience at the highest standards.
For Roffelsen 3D, quality is one of the core values. Quality of the products and production, as well as the services. The production lines are equipped with state-of-the-art measuring instruments that continuously monitor quality. ISO9001 certification of our factory in Slovakia helps to ensure the high quality standard.
Roffelsen 3D printing filament is manufactured to meet the highest performance specifications.
Filament Quality Assurance
In-Line Measurement of filament dimensions
The filament diameter and roundness are major factors which influence ease and consistency of printing and the quality of your end-product. Too high fluctuations in filament diameter will result in over- or under extrusion, which will affect the dimension tolerances and mechanical properties of the printed product
We measure diameter with triple axis diameter gauges for the most precise measurement readings. This device leaves much less room for error and reduces the possibility of ovality deviation in comparison to both, single and double axis gauges. With the accuracy ± (1µm + 0.008% of object diameter) and resolution 0.01 µm, this equipment takes 30.000 scans per second (or 10.000 scans/second/axis). The chance of an undetectable filament over-extrusion is reduced three-fold compared to a double-axis gauge (see triangle area marked in green below).
All tolerance data is measured, recorded, electronically saved and can be backchecked based on the combination of a batch and spool number. We plan to attach this information to every spool for customer self-check, i.e. known also as spool verification.
Test Prints
Each batch of filament is rigorously tested in the field using desktop 3D printers to ensure that melting temperatures and surface finish are consistent and of the highest quality.
Raw materials are checked prior to production and full traceability is guaranteed per spool.
Roffelsen 3D stores filament samples of each produced batch to trace and check product consistency over time.
Granulate quality assurance
Certficates of Analyses
For each produced batch, we can supply a tailored Certificate of Analysis, with test results of key material properties of the produced batch.
Raw materials are checked prior to production and full traceability is guaranteed per produced batch.
Roffelsen 3D stores granule samples of each produced batch to trace and check product consistency over time